Sunday, April 6, 2008

Home Improvements

Dad has settled into his new life in Buenos Aires. His luggage arrived Friday evening so we are now moved completely into our apartment. We are pretty happy with the place but have been making some small home improvements by tightening screws, rigging a new lock for the balcony door and jamming pieces of paper into the window frame to keep the glass from rattling in the middle of the night. Our biggest improvement by far has been buying some chairs and a table for our balcony. To buy these chairs we walked two hours to a store in Palermo and then walked 2 hours back with the chairs slung over our shoulders. The furniture wasn´t heavy but it was a bit difficult to walk down pedestrian-crowded sidewalks without accidentally whacking the odd passerby with an armrest.
Today is a lazy Sunday which we have spent reading the newspaper, studying Spanish and wandering around the deserted Sunday streets. Tomorrow the streets will be thronged with people but today everybody is at home resting up for Monday.

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