Thursday, March 27, 2008


While the lifestyle of Argentina, and in particular Buenos Aires, is modern and in many ways similar to the way that I live in Vancouver, there is a political instability here that manifests itself in large public demostrations unfamiliar in my Canadian life. For the past 15 days there have been increasing tensions between Argentina´s agrarian producers and its federal government. These tensions have been simplified to the phrase ¨Campo vs Gobierno¨(The countryside vs the government) Every day thousands of people gather in the Plaza de Mayo to protest lack of funding or parade in the streets banging pots and waving banners. Major trucking routes have been blocked and there are shortages of many things on the shelves of the local supermarkets. One day there may be a shortage of eggs, the next a shortage of meat. The price of vegetables has steadily and noticibly increased during my 6 weeks in Buenos Aires. I have become desensitized to riot police, loud speakers and survellance helicopters. But despite all the protests, life here continues as usual in Buenos Aires and the people not involved in the fight continue on with their days just as before.

Note: As my Spanish skills become more advanced my ability to spell (in either language) is diminuishing quickly. Please forgive the atrocious spelling in this blog entry. I cannot find an English spell check.

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